



Step into the Coachella Valley, Southern California's gem, where history, culture, and vibrant communities converge in a spectacular dance of progress and tradition. Dubbed the "Playground of the Presidents," this sun-soaked haven has drawn U.S. Presidents like Herbert Hoover, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan, with Gerald Ford and Dwight Eisenhower even making it their permanent oasis.

Palm Springs shines brightly on the map, is celebrated as a leading gay community in the U.S. and crowned the world's top destination for Gay and Lesbian seniors looking for a place to visit or retire. The pulse-pounding beats of world-renowned festivals like Coachellafest, Stagecoach, and Power Trip have catapulted the entire desert area into global fame, making it a destination of choice for people from all over the world.

In response to this explosive growth, we've rebranded our local chapter to "Log Cabins of the Coachella Valley," launching with gusto in June 2021 during Pride Month. As Riverside County's largest Gay & Lesbian organization, we open our doors wide to all conservatives who value and recognize the importance of commonsense in shaping a thriving society.

The Log Cabin Republicans stand as the nation's premier conservative organization advocating for Gay, Lesbian, and allied liberty-minded voices. For over three decades, we've championed true equality of opportunity through our robust network of local chapters, a dedicated office in Washington, DC, and our influential federal and state Political Action Committees (PACs), including the Log Cabin Institute 501(c)3. Join us as we continue to forge pathways for inclusion and progress within the conservative movement, paving the way for a more inclusive and progressive future.